Anisa's Seasonal Meal Plan Membership

GONE are the days of skipping meals, being under-proteined and suffering the hormonal consequences because you have no clue what to make. 

In a world that wants you to stay small and hungry, SEIZE your reproductive era and become fully nourished with confidence.

Here's the nitty-gritty of what you can expect in these meal plans:

My "diet approach" focuses on these pillars: nutrient-density, blood sugar balance, fueling your mitochondria for optimal egg health, and nourishing your detox systems.

If paleo divorced vegetarian and keto, married Weston A. Price and birthed "animal-based" and "pro-metabolic" but somehow avoided fear along the way, you'll find my approach to be somewhere in the middle

I designed these meal plans to have a Calorie average of 1900 kcal- using a high-protein (average 140g protein) and moderately-low carb approach (average 100-120g carbs) with plenty of- but not too much- healthy fats.

Recipes are portioned for 2, lightly active adults- however serving yields of each recipe can be adapted to meet your family's size and needs

There is no one-size-fits-all meal plan: Inside the online platform I include ways to modify these recipes for kids, spouses, and/or if you have higher carb requirements (athletes and/or pregnant or breastfeeding)

Seasonal Meal Plan Membership Enrollment Reopens 6/3- Receive seasonal meal plans on every solstice and equinox!

But don't worry, you can still get the RENEW Spring Reset Meal Plan until 6/3!- AVAILABLE NOW!

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Learn how to heal your hormones and conceive naturally- Get my Resilience From Estrogen Dominance Workshop replay!

Special one-time offer, only $47!
In this workshop you'll learn...

- How Estrogen Dominance is

keeping your from getting pregnant

- What's keeping you from eliminating excess estrogen
- How to naturally raise progesterone
- How to overcome histamine intolerance
- and FINALLY free yourself from period problems, achieve hormonal vitality, and enhance your chances of conceiving faster!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


The Membership for Women on the Path to
Optimal Health

If you're on a quest to balance your hormones, boost metabolic health, or enhance your fertility naturally, I've designed this meal plan membership especially for you (and your family will love it too!)

Effortless Results, Without Restrictions: Achieve improved energy, balanced hormones, and reduced period discomfort without the frustration of strict diets. 

 Delicious & Convenient: Enjoy delectable, nutrient-rich meals with four 7-day plans, most taking just 30 minutes or less to prepare. 

 Seasonal & Balanced: Discover hormone-supporting, cycle-synced recipes with a focus on seasonal produce and blood-sugar balance. 

 Timely & Accessible: Access digital PDF downloads or online versions aligned with the natural rhythms of each season, released on the Winter and Summer Solstices and Fall and Spring Equinoxes

Ideal for Your Journey to Motherhood:
These meal plans are not only safe but essential to nourish your motherhood journey, whether you are seeking to optimize fertility or nourish a healthy pregnancy, these meal plans will provide critical nutrition to fuel your baby-making!

  • Total payment
  • 1xSeasonal Meal Plan (single purchase)$55

All prices in USD
